Installing Ubuntu
Jul 6, 2020
Boot disk
- Download ubuntu iso:
- dd if=iso of=/dev/— bs=4M
XPS 9300
- Disable Intell RST in the bios. Ubuntu sent me to, which wasn’t that helpful. Boot into bios, then set SATA controller to AHCI. (Make.. sure that that the SSD is still enabled after you do so.)
- Boot into laptop. Press F12 while booting for boot menu. Follow the prompts. It’s easy!
(I didn’t have to do this on my newer computer, for some reason.)
Update system
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt autoremove
sudo apt install i3 git zsh tmux polybar
git clone
cd dotfiles
chsh # /usr/bin/zsh
Log out, log into i3.
sudo apt install ubuntu-mate-desktop
gsettings set com.solus-project.brisk-menu hot-key ''
gsettings set org.mate.session.required-components windowmanager i3
gsettings set org.mate.session.required-components filemanager ''
gsettings set org.mate.session.required-components panel ''
Other packages
# vim compiled with +clipboard, to share vim and x clipboards
sudo apt install vim-gtk3
sudo snap install nvim
# Screenshot utility; xclip also required for nvim global clipboard
sudo apt install \
ssh curl feh ripgrep autorandr keepassxc \
gh \
maim \ # sshot
xclip \ # sshot, nvim global clipboard
# Bundled with mate (?)
sudo apt install pulseaudio autorandr blueman picom
snap install --classic code
# in vs code terminal
ext install vscodevim.vim
# Set "keyboard.dispatch": "keyCode" for capslock -> esc
ext install matklad.rust-analyzer
# (make sure to also download the server)
- best way to install nvim?
- crontab
- zoom, obsidian