Dell XPS 13 2-in-1 (7390)
My third laptop and third Arch instasll: Late 2019 Dell XPS 13, 2-in-1 (7390).
My first non-Thinkpad laptop, and the hardest laptop to install Arch on so far. It seems like every other kernel has some issues involved.
I can’t find the “beginners guide install guide” on the Arch wiki anymore.
A few big takeaways from my 2019 install:
is gone! Apparently I’m pretty behind on the times, since yaourt has been officially deprecated since 2018. I’m usingyay
now, and also trying to avoid AUR packages more than I had previously.
The nice parts:
Everything Else
The other main things other than the base OS configuration: login, boot manager.
yay -S lxdm-themes
Level 2 Configuration
# Brightness control
pacman -S xbacklight xf86-video-intel
# Touchscreen (surprisingly) worked out of the box
# Status bar
pacman -S conky python
pacman -S wget
pacman -S feh evince redshift pavucontrol keepassxc python-pip
pacman -S gvim # needed over vim for system clipboard
pacman conf: add color and ILoveCandy
pacman -S base-devel
git clone
cd yay
makepkg -si
Web Browser
I’ve started using Firefox (and Tree Style Tab) for my main browser.
pacman -S firefox
pacman -S noto-fonts noto-fonts-emoji ttf-dejavu
to /etc/security/pam_env.conf
I installed Chrome too, but it actually doesn’t work: it doesn’t actually redraw the screen correctly.
- I should seriously consider running i3-gnome instead of plain i3.
- My on-startup scripts are fragile, and probably aren’t running correctly.